Home General News Akufo Addo sacks GTUC President

Akufo Addo sacks GTUC President


The President, H.E Nana Akufo Addo has sacked the President of Ghana Telecom University College, (GTUC) Prof. Nana Osei Darkwa from office.

A letter communicating the termination of Prof. Nana Osei Darkwa’s appointment was signed by Minister of Communications, Mrs Ursula Owusu Ekuful dated September 25, 2017.

“On behalf of H.E The President, Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo, I wish to thank you for your dedicated service to the University College and to the country and to also wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.

“You are to kindly hand over the administration of th University College to your deputy and apply for all terminal benefits due you as the President of the University College as per your contract,” the statement said.
Meanwhile, in consultation with the Minister of Education, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, a 3-member Interim Management Team has been constituted, led by Prof. Blankson, the Vice President of the University College, Mrs Juliana Owusu Ansah, Registrar and Dr Kweku Arthur, Senior Lecturer to run the affairs of the institution.


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