Home World Entertainment Jay-Z brings cancer survivor on stage

Jay-Z brings cancer survivor on stage


Jay-Z halted his show in California on Saturday to bring a young fan onstage after learning she had beaten cancer not once, but twice.

The rapper paused to read Christina Cruz’s home-made sign, which said: “I Beat Cancer 2X 2 C U! I LOVE U!!! SELFIE OR HUG?”

“You beat cancer twice?” the star said. “I gotta give you at least a hug.”

He then brought the woman up on stage and posed for several photos with her, as the crowd cheered.

“This is exactly who my message was for,” he told the audience.

Throughout the weekend, Christina took to social media to recount the “best night” of her life.

“I can’t believe he pulled me on stage and I got to hug him not once but twice!” she said on her Instagram account, which has since been made private.

“Truly a dream come true!! Thank you Jay-Z!”

The star is nearing the end of his tour, which has criss-crossed the US since October.

His latest album, 4:44 was recently nominated for eight Grammys, including album of the year, record of the year and song of the year, for the title track.

Introducing that track in California, the star called it “the most uncomfortable song I’ve ever written”. The lyrics address his infidelity – which also informed his wife Beyonce’s last album, Lemonade.

“Look, I apologise, often womanise,” he raps on the track. “Took for my child to be born, see through a woman’s eyes.”

After playing the song at the Oakland arena on Saturday, the New York native told the audience: “I swear Oakland is just like Brooklyn, I feel at home here.”


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