Home Local Business ECG investigates outages during downpours

ECG investigates outages during downpours


Electricity Company of Ghana has commissioned a team of engineers to investigate incessant power cuts during downpours.

ECG Managing Director, Samuel Boakye-Appiah, who describes the situation “disturbing”, says the report of the team will help the company deal with the situation.

“This is a very disturbing phenomenon and internally in ECG, we have commissioned a team of engineers, technical experts to look at this problem and come out with a solution.

“It’s not a normal condition that when it rains, the network or the lines should be interrupted. They have already started and in Accra”, he told Nhyira News in Kumasi.

It is a common to see lights go off few minutes ahead of a downpour or in the middle of a downpour in Ashanti Region and other parts of the country.

Even before the team completes its work in other regions, Ing Boakye-Appiah says high incidents of lightening in Ashanti, Volta, Greater Accra and the Western regions is impacting negatively on the company’s quest to ensure reliable power supply.

Nonetheless, he says the team will replicate the investigations in other regions.

“The incidence of lightning and the intensity of lightning in Ashanti is very, very high in Ashanti and Western region. So they [team] would have to adopt a different approach so that when they come with this thing [report], we will deploy the correct technology for the networks in Ashanti,” he said when he and other officials of the Energy Ministry led by Deputy Minister, Owuraku Aidoo met the press there Thursday.


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