Home Entertainment Afia Schwarzenegger blames Obinim for Christabel Ekeh’s nude photos

Afia Schwarzenegger blames Obinim for Christabel Ekeh’s nude photos


Self-proclaimed Ghanaian queen of comedy, Afia Schwarzenegger, has provided her brand of social commentary over Kumawood actress Christabel Ekeh’s controversial “nude” pictures shared on the actress’s Instagram page.

As far as celebrity nude pictures go, in recent times one’s learnt to be patient and wait since sooner or later, one celebrity is bound to decide to publicly share nude pictures as some form of statement.

True to form, Kumawood actress Christabel has joined the group of Ghanaian celebrities “uninhibited” enough to take share a “birthday suit” photo of herself with her followers.

Never one to pass up the opportunity to serve a verbal sucker punch, TV and radio personality Afia Schwarzenegger has shared Christabel Ekeh’s photo captioning it with the phrase, “That moment when you capture the act of defecating on a KVIP AKA public toilet”.

On the other hand, Ghanaian actor Prince David Osei has also commented on Christabel Ekeh’s nude photos, asking Ghanaians to pray for the Kumawood actress.

“You don’t know what she is going through. Whether it is someone who has hacked her account or she is doing it herself, we cannot say.

You can tell all is not going on well with the sister so rather than circulating her pictures and insulting her, why don’t we pray for her?” said the actor.


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