Home General News I don’t hate Akufo-Addo – Ken Agyapong

I don’t hate Akufo-Addo – Ken Agyapong


Outspoken New Patriotic Party Member of Parliament for the Assin Central constituency in the Central region, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong has defended his constant criticism of the Akufo-Addo led administration.

According to him, the criticisms are not ill-intended but to make sure the President and the NPP deliver on its mandate to Ghanaians.

The controversial politician added that a lot of things not in the right place in the six-month old government and only criticisms will cause all government appointees to be conscious of their actions.

Ghanaians, he said would not renew the mandate of the NPP government come 2020 if the party fail to address their needs.
He added that the NPP must stop playing to the whims and caprices of the opposition NDC as they are behind the challenges the government is facing including the BOST contaminated fuel saga.

Hon. Agyepong alleged that the Managing Director of the Company, is under attack because he kicked against selling the contaminated fuel to NDC functionaries at a cheaper price after opposition party members working at BOST had orchestrated the contamination.

“The practice was that NDC intentionally caused the fuel they imported to be mixed with diesel by switching valves at the site and turn round to declare it contaminated thereby selling it to themselves at cheaper prices.

“Between February 2015 and February 6, 2016, there were 49 transactions of contaminated fuel at BOST which NDC sold to themselves at cheap prices and because the new Managing Director stood his ground not to sell it to them at that ridiculous prices, the NDC guys set a trap for him and NPP is also falling for it blindly,” Hon. Agyepong said at the party’s Central regional delegates conference at Assin Fosu.

Hon. Agyepong also bemoaned the neglect of the people of the Central region in terms of government appointments.

According to him, none of the ambassadors recently appointed came from the central region which he said is not a good sign.

Hon. Agyepong called on the people of the region to rise up and fight for what is due them as they played a huge role in the victory of the NPP.


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