Home Local Business Public Accounts Committee quizzes energy sector

Public Accounts Committee quizzes energy sector


The Energy commission, GRIDCo, Bui Power Authority, GNPC, VRA and NEDCo made an appearance at today’s sitting.

Non-payment of insurance and SSNIT contributions for workers, non-registration of vehicles, breach of procurement procedures, outstanding debts and tax irregularities were realized in the Auditor General’s report on the energy sector.

It was also revealed during the meeting that agencies belonging to the energy sector owed themselves huge sums of money.

VALCO owes GRIDCo 20 million dollars, 600 million cedis outstanding debts have been fully attributed to the Electricity Company of Ghana and Government owes NEDCo 300million cedis, including other agencies such as GRIDCo and VRA.

The situation has, however, made GNPC, unable to audit petroleum partners and some debtors from the energy commission.

In response to the provisions of the report provided by the Auditor General, chief executive officer of GRIDCo, William Amuna said the whole energy sector needs rearrangement in terms of financing.

The Energy Minister, Boakye Kyeremateng Agyarko, however mentioned that measures will be put in place for each sector agency to operate on its own.

“We would ensure that each entity would stand on its own so we could determine its viability,’’… he articulated.


It was revealed in the auditor general’s report that imprests allocated to officials of the GNPC have not been accounted for. 

The report also proved that GNPC, regulatory commission for the energy sector has been unable to audit petroleum partners.

Current liabilities however moved from 33 million cedis to 300 million cedis and the cooperation overtraded than usual as its ratio moves up.

Vehicles belonging to the cooperation have not been re-registered, exposing them to theft and abuse.

Two houses also belonging to the cooperation have been left to deteriorate and in bad conditions.

Energy commission

Failure to pay or supervise payment of SSNIT contributions of workers and tax deductions to the Internal Revenue Service.

Bui Power Authority

According to the Auditor General’s report, BPA did not have a tender committee for procurement transactions yet procurement of vehicles took place.

Certain procurement procedures were breached and GHC46,592 revenue was also lost. 

SSNIT contributions for workers were not paid for over a period of 8 months. 


GRIDCo, as it appears, has bulk outstanding debtors.

The Auditor General recommended that steps be taken in order to discontinue the rising debt.

It was also stated in the report that employment and engineering cost increased from 4 million cedis to 7 million cedis.


The Volta River Authority said it has not declared profits in a long time due to the high cost of fuel for thermal power plant operations.

It AG’s report also revealed that VRA did not provide metres for people in Prestea in the Western Region.


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