Home General News Akufo-Addo inaugurates new Hajj Board

Akufo-Addo inaugurates new Hajj Board


The President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, last Wednesday swore in a new National Hajj Board and charged them to work hard to resolve the perennial challenges in the organisation of the annual Hajj.

He described the organisation of the Hajj as an important exercise for which reason he charged the members to dedicate themselves to their responsibilities to ensure a smooth pilgrimage.

The President noted that there had been several occasions in the history of the country when the organisation of the Hajj had been marred by some hitches.

“I am anticipating that with the calibre of people that have been assembled on the board this year, under the leadership of a well-known figure, a man who has distinguished himself in service of our country, the problems of the annual pilgrimage would be things of the past and that we will see a smooth, seamless movement of people to and from Mecca as a regular occurrence,” he said.


Chaired by Sheikh I. C. Quaye, other members of the board are Abdul Malik Adams Gariba, Mr Farouk Hamza, Sheikh Amin Bonsu and Alhaji Inusa Amadu.

The others are Messrs Kamal-Deen Abdulai, Ismaela Ibrahim, Mohammed Osmanu Alidu, Mohammed Osumanu Yunusah, Braimah Adams and Dr Mohammed Ibrahim Mohammed.

Three persons have also been appointed to head the medical, communications and information technology (IT) units of the Hajj Board.

The three are Dr Seidu Zakaria, Abdul Rahman Alhassan Gomda and Dr Sani Abdulai, respectively.

Chief Imam

The National Chief Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharabutu, urged the board to work assiduously to ensure apeaceful Hajj organisation.

“You have to abide by the rules and regulations of the host country and what you have promised to do. You have promised Allah, Prophet Mohammed and the President of Ghana that you are going to work hard to ensure that this year’s Hajj will be incident-free. Be mindful of the promises and be guided by it at all times towards ensuring total compliance and achievements,” he advised.


The Chief Imam observed that before the general election last year, Ghanaians, including Muslims, prayed to Allah to make a choice of who to govern the country, adding, “He gave us Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. It is now incumbent on us to follow and support him. If we find ourselves at Hajj, we should not forget to pray for the President and his vice for their success.”

He urged Ghanaians to continue to pray for peaceful coexistence in the country.

“We have tolerance for religious differences and have coexisted peacefully but let’s continue to pray for Allah to give us more peace. We also pray for understanding, oneness and harmony between the President and his vice in executing their plans for the people of Ghana,” Sheikh Sharabutu stated.


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