Home General News Boy, 5 attempts poisoning 6 months old brother

Boy, 5 attempts poisoning 6 months old brother


A 5 year-old boy, Kwame Frimpong who lives with his parents at Prestea Mankessem in the Western Region attempted poisoning his 6 months old brother, Kingsford.

Narrating the incident to Nyankonton Mu Nsem on Rainbow Radio 87.5Fm, Abrewa Nana an eyewitness said, the 5 year-old boy acted out jealousy.

According to him, the parents used to pamper him until they gave birth to his junior brother. He said, ”the boy attempted poisoning his 6 month old brother but was caught in the act.

He acted out of jealousy. The parents used to pamper him until they had their second child and so, he [Frimpong] became jealous and decided to poison his brother.”

The parents took him to the police station but were advised to seek psychiatric treatment but reports showed there was nothing wrong with the boy.

They were further asked to seek spiritual assistance and the pastor recommended that, they should continue pampering him like they used to do before delivering their second child.


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