Home Entertainment Closing down National Theater not the best solution – Blogger

Closing down National Theater not the best solution – Blogger


Few days ago, I had some interesting argument with a colleague on a Board sitting over which venue in Accra is best to organize awards show. 

This very knowledgeable friend of mine argued tensely against the use of the National Theatre, citing a myriad of issues that have dogged the facility in the last couple of years. I thought differently though!

After the organization of the Zylofon Music – produced ‘Becca@10’ Concert, one issue that is constantly raised at the Theater popped up again – the malfunctioning of the air conditioning system. This time, the complaint was resounding, which prompted my friend and colleague, Kwame Dadzie of www.citifmonline.com to pen an insightful, research-based piece on the Theater and its gnawing air condition system, calling for it to be closed down, until the problem is solved.

Boycott and Go Where?

“The National Theatre must be boycotted by event planners and organizers forthwith. When that happens the government and the right authorities will show more concern by putting it in good shape for use,” Kwame wrote.

I concur, that it is the responsibility of the National Theater Board and its Management to manage the facility for proper utilization – and especially when event planners are paying for the facility, one would expect that the Theater lives up to such obligation.


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