Home Entertainment Daddy Lumba’s dancers go gay with sensual dance moves

Daddy Lumba’s dancers go gay with sensual dance moves


The State Banquet Hall was on Saturday, September 30 heated when legendary highlife musician, Charles Kwadwo Fosu popularly known as Daddy Lumba turned the venue upside down with a fantastic performance which has always been his trademark anywhere he performed.

Daddy Lumba and his dancers went gay with sensual dance moves and great performance at the country’s biggest sub-regional events in Accra.

The much-hyped annual musical concert “African Legends Night” produced and presented by Global Media Alliance featured stars including Congolese legend; Kanda Bongo Man, Amakye Dede, Ackay Blay, Daddy Lumba and eShun.

Daddy Lumba, one indefatigable male musician who at the peak of his career, gave his male counterparts in the world of highlife a good run for their money as promised, thrilled fans with some crazy dance moves by his dancers.

Vodafone African legend night was hosted by Award-winning radio personality, Kwame Sefa Kayi.



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