Home Entertainment Drink joy daddy to improve your performance – Lydia Forson tells married...

Drink joy daddy to improve your performance – Lydia Forson tells married men


Ghanaian screen goddess Lydia Forson has sent a word of advice to all Ghanaian married men.

According to the actress, the cliché that most people hold about married women that they lose themselves after child birth and that is why most men cheat on their wives is totally untrue.

The actress has taken a different twist to it, Lydia thinks, some men after fathering two, three kids lose the need to keep themselves in shape and stay attractive for their wife’s. 

Well, the controversial actress took to her Instagram page and wrote: “Maybe you changed after marriage; grew a pot belly, stopped paying attention to yourself, gave more attention to the kids than her, or maybe your d** wasn’t the same after fathering those kids”.

The 32-year-old actress advised married men growing pot belly to hit the gym and keep themselves in shape and that may be their only chance of winning the heart of their spouses back “You need to hit the gym, groom yourself, drink joy daddy to improve your performance and win her back’’.

Ms. Forson ended her post, asking all men never to lose the importance of prayer in their marriage,” But most importantly PRAY; your house maybe under attack by the devil. Go on your knees and pray!!
Don’t let the devil win!” she wrote.


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