Home World News Gambians’ impatience ‘understandable’ – Information Minister

Gambians’ impatience ‘understandable’ – Information Minister


Gambia’s Information Minister Demba Ali Jawo has told the BBC that he understands the impatience of those who are frustrated by the rate of change since President Adama Barrow was elected nearly seven months ago.

The minister said it was impossible to improve everything straight away after more than 20 years of authoritarian rule by former President Yahya Jammeh:

People expect everything to be done there and then. That’s not possible. We have a lot of things to undo.” He called upon Gambians who were thinking of leaving for Europe to stay and, in his words, change the face of the country.

The minister said that reconciliation was the watchword of President Barrow’s government.

He said one day the exiled former leader would be free to return but he was not welcome back yet.


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