Home General News Ghana’s real gangsters; Doctors, fake pastors, position holders and allies.

Ghana’s real gangsters; Doctors, fake pastors, position holders and allies.


Our politicians, lawyers, judges, People of high profile, people with big positions in organisations, NGO’s and false pastors are the biggest gangsters in Ghana. The biggest bad man is the false pastor, he can’t be held to account neither does he pay tax. Woe betide those like Anas and Shatta Wale who stand up to them, they receive death threats, insults and are delegitimised.

Of course when a criminal is caught they deny the truth, even with evidence pointing to them as the culprit. Their friends in high places will always defend them in public and in court plus sponsor them with a new job. Their gang will not betray the brotherhood because dirty hands trade together. The idea is If you report or betray me, I’ll report you. A thief makes no profit without a sale, and snitches have stitches( monetary wise or physically). Nobody talks for fear of loosing lucrative trade and deals.

The truth is this is the money they are using to acquire a lavish lifestyle for them and their children. Who you know, not what you can do is the ticket for a good lifestyle in Ghana. The Gang members recommend their children and allies for jobs. The money must stay in the same place and the job holders must understand the thieves code of conduct.

I implore you to have a read at the links in this article, the way you would have a listen if Adom radio was reporting on armed robbers in Ghana. The way you would have a read of murderers in the newspaper. View the real criminals of Ghana, their thefts cripple the countries development. Causing deaths in hospitals were doctors obsessed with monetary gain fail to give adequate care to their patients. They give birth to the armed robber and the murderer who cannot find the means to look after their families, because those suppose to be providing that infrastructure are shopping with the money for that. For example shamed gangsteress Gifty Klenman.

Anas caught criminal judges in 2015. Some of them were lured by goats, others money, and one a promise of sex. Kwesi Nyantakyi was shamed because he didn’t manage to buy Ghana. Apparently he lied about politicians and the president being involved. Though Kennedy Agyapong was loosing his mind over not being guilty. Reverend Owusu Brempah has collected his fourth wife, now he has more money, she’s more well endowed and can spend as much as she wants on alcohol.

Other pastors of his stature who preach the prosperity and perverse gospel, not that of Jesus Christ. Are tax freely enjoying the fruits of their cons. Building houses and gaining women or men. While their congregations who pay for this, are paying to acquire the same.

If you speak against them your a hater. After all according to Charlotte Osei, the former chair of the Electoral commission. A corruption advocate, who argues she is well within her rights legally to spend money she morally and as a principle should not social media. A country cannot make its self prosperous by taxing the rich. Charlotte Osei was only ousted because the other senior members of the EC who allegedly collect bribes every year from political parties mainly the NDC. According to Mrs Pauline Adobea Dzadzawa ( EC commisoner) , “NPP do not spend”. Dzadzawa and the EC commissioners only reported Osei’s corrupt deeds because they were upset Osei was not willing to share her lootings. Osei was sacked because she could not play the game.

Ghanaians rise up, resist oppressors rule. Let’s not sit down while some gangsters throw away our country, our future and that of our children.


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