Home Local Sports GOC elections: Injunction looms as members seek procedurial redress

GOC elections: Injunction looms as members seek procedurial redress


A major court injunction looms over the Ghana Olympic Committee(GOC) as members have questioned some laid-down procedures of the committee ahead of the elections that have been slated for March 15, 2017, sportscrusader.com can exclusively reveal.

Information gathered by sportscrusader.com indicate that, the eligibility of current president, the number of eligible delegates and the disqualification of the Shooting president are the issues that could halt the elections.

According to investigations, incumbent president, Professor Dodoo, holds a dual citizenship which makes it illegitimate for him to stand for the position, as he needs to be a full blooded Ghanaian to hold that position.

But the question remains; “how does he hold the position despite this concern raised by the delegates?

Further information indicates that, the number of delegates eligible to vote which was 59 has suddenly increased to 69, as some new associations and commissions have been added to the voting list which contradicts the statutes of the committee. Thus, congress has no record of delegate members from Ghana Olympians and Athletes Commission (4 nominees) who have no record of their affiliation to the GOC.

Also, Shooting Federation president, Mr. Cilian Walsh has been annulled from taking part in the coming GOC elections on grounds that he is a foreigner, after being president of the association for a long time.

Finally, a major conflict of interest has been raised by some delegates, as some members of the election committee are on the voting list, contradicting the laws of the GOC, which states that, members of electoral commission must be independent and neutral.


Source: sportscrusader.com


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