Home General News Herbalist jailed five years for slashing man with cutlass

Herbalist jailed five years for slashing man with cutlass


A herbalist, arrested for inflicting deep machete wounds on the head of another person, has been sentenced to five years imprisonment by the KMA Circuit Court.

Adam Yakubu pleaded not guilty but the court, presided by Mrs Mary Nsenkyire, found him guilty at the end of the trial.

Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) P.B. Jagri said the incident happened on July 30, at about 11:33 hours, at Abooabo Number One in Kumasi.

The victim was on his way to the house when he saw the convict engaged in a conversation with a man he (victim) had accused of theft and there were verbal exchanges between the pair.

Yakubu grew angry, dashed to his room for a sharp cutlass and slashed the victim in the left side of the head, close to the eye, opening a deep cut.

He bled profusely and was rescued by some people in the neighbourhood. He was rushed to the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH), where he was kept on admission for some days.

The prosecution said a formal report was made to the police and Yakubu was arrested.


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