Home General News How TV3 goofed in reporting the Atomic gas explosion

How TV3 goofed in reporting the Atomic gas explosion


TV3 Network has come under fire over some inaccuracies it presented in its reportage of the deadly gas explosion in Accra which claimed seven lives with many severely injured on Saturday.

Credited with being the first media house to broadcast the incident, TV3’s senior reporter, Alfred Ocansey on Saturday night claimed he had just returned from the areas affected by the explosion with first-hand information for the public. 

In narrating events at the scene of the explosion, Alfred Ocansey reported that, “larger parts of Legon-PRESEC had been affected; the fire had extended to UPSA and Legon-PRESEC, the dining hall in Legon-PRESEC has some cylinders that obviously influenced the fire and a lot of people were being run over by vehicles”.

However, subsequent updates on the accident revealed Mr. Ocansey had fed the whole country with anything but the truth, sparking public anger, especially on social media.

TV3 was indeed first in news on Saturday night as its slogan says, but with the least accurate report.

After numerous complaints from parents and concerned viewers about the inaccuracies, TV3 issued a statement saying they have taken, in good faith, criticisms regarding their reportage of the Atomic Junction gas explosion.

Read the full statement below:

MEDIA STATEMENT: TV3’s Reportage on the Gas Explosion at Atomic Junction [08 October 2017]

On Saturday 07 October, a gas explosion occurred at the Atomic Junction and its environs in Legon, resulting in the loss of lives, injuries and the destruction of property.

The Management of Media General, parent company of TV3, extends our heartfelt commiserations to all affected families – you are in our thoughts and prayers in this difficult times. As the incident unfolded, we reported it live and brought it to the attention of Ghanaians and first responders including the Ghana National Fire Services,

The Ghana Police Service and the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) through our channels – TV3, 3news.com, our Social Media handles and our Accra based radio stations (3FM and Onua FM). We acknowledge the positive feedback and rave reviews from our viewers and listeners across the country.

Whilst we have been largely commended, not only for our extensive reportage, but also for the actions of one of our news anchors who volunteered to help students from a Senior High School, in close proximity to the affected area seek refuge on safer grounds, our attention has also been drawn to some isolated reports on social media critiquing portions of our reportage and the humanitarian act by our news anchor.

We take the criticisms in good faith. We believe our good intentions and actions in this regard may have been misconstrued and we are taking action to engage the appropriate authorities and individuals involved. We remain committed to transforming the media landscape in Africa through accurate, factual and balanced reporting.

Signed Richard Ahiagble

Group Head,

Corporate Affairs


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