Home Entertainment I will go naked for Mahama – Onaapo singer

I will go naked for Mahama – Onaapo singer


Popular Ghanaian Musician and National Democratic Congress (NDC) fanatic, David Aja affectionately called ”Dee Aja” has called on former President John Dramani Mahama to compulsorily stand for NDC flagbearership slot for the 2020 polls.

In a thirty seconds video, the staunch NDC member said that, ”If John Dramani Mahama do not come and I think he will come.. but if he decides not to come, know that I am going on a naked strike.”

The Onaapo song was the official campaign song for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) prior to the 2016 Presidential and Parliamentary elections. It was arguably the most popular song in the year, 2016.


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