Home International Sports Ivory Coast, Senegal game ends abruptly due to crowd violence

Ivory Coast, Senegal game ends abruptly due to crowd violence


The friendly match between Senegal and Ivory Coast Monday night with a 1-1 tie aborted because fans stormed the field and the players’ safety was at risk.

The problems in the Stade Sebastien Charlety in Paris started two minutes from time, when a group of fans outside the stadium climbed over a fence on and entered the stadium. Security guards tried to avoid, but the group was too large.

The fans came back up the field, and referee Tony Chapron teams sent in. There it was decided not to continue playing.

It is the second time in five years that a duel between the two African teams was discontinued due to problems with fans. In October 2012 it went into the playoffs wrong for the African Cup.

Senegal when fans threw at 2-0 fireworks, stones and bottles on the field. The police had to use tear gas to bring the situation under control. Senegal was subsequently disqualified from the tournament.

Source: sportsobama.com


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