Home Entertainment Kwasi Aboagye apologizes to George Quaye

Kwasi Aboagye apologizes to George Quaye


Peace FM & Neat FM host, Kwasi Aboagye, has apologized to colleague broadcaster George Quaye over comments he made against him some months ago.

Aboagye rendered the apology before and after his Thursday afternoon Entertainment Review show on Peace FM, bringing closure to an issue that had the National Media Commission intervening.


On Tuesday 31st January 2017, just ahead of the 18th edition of the annual Vodafone Ghana Music Awards, Head of Communications for Charterhouse Productions and the scheme’s official voice, George Quaye passed a comment on his TV show, “THE PUNDITS” on GH One TV which sought to suggest that as far as he was concerned, players in the gospel music fraternity were most guilty when it came to people who attempted to bribe their way for awards at the VGMAs.

The assertion which didn’t go down well with many an industry folk generated a lot of clamor in media circles with journalists, pundits, musicians and artiste managers passing all manner of comments generally reproaching the Communications and PR expert for the comment and calling for his head.

Less than 24 hours after the story breaks, George would render an official apology to all who had been somewhat maligned or slighted by his comment, but many wouldn’t buy it.

Hours after the release of the apology on the Thursday 2nd February 2017 edition of the Entertainment Review Show, host Kwasi Aboagye, after a long interview with George Quaye on the subject live on the Entertainment Review show, during which the latter apologized again and took back his words, made very damning, demeaning and derogatory remarks about George Quaye suggesting that he took bribes from musicians and promised them awards at the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards.

To those who know the very cordial relationship that appeared to exist between these two, the revelations made by Kwasi Aboagye were, to say the least, scandalous, sneering and dreadful. Comments and interjections from panel members who were on the show that day indicated clearly that even they were stunned.

On Monday 13th February 2017, George Quaye, whose reputation had been dealt a heavy blow by Kwasi’s comments approached his lawyers, “Faibille and Faibille”, who counseled that an official complains be sent to the National Media Commission.

Two days later on Wednesday 15th February 2017, an official letter of complaint addressed to the Chairman of the National Media Commission with a transcript of Kwasi Aboagye’s comments attached were submitted at the Cantonments offices of the National Media Commission.

On 7th July 1993, the National Media Commission was set by an Act of Parliament, National Media Commission Act 1993, Act 449 in pursuit of the provisions of Chapter 12 of Ghana’s 1992 Constitution. It is enjoined among others to take all measures to ensure the establishment and maintenance of the highest journalistic standards on mass media, including investigation, MEDIATION AND SETTLEMENT OF COMPLAINTS MADE AGAINST OR BY THE PRESS OR OTHER MASS MEDIA.

At the hearing where Kwasi Aboagye was represented by the General Manager of Peace FM, Mr. Kennedy Osei, and another gentleman, they admitted guilt and agreed to honor all the reliefs sought by George Quaye which were:

1.An order for the retraction of all the defamatory commentary broadcast against George Quaye for three weeks on Peace FM during the Entertainment Review Program to be hosted by Kwasi Aboagye for that period.

2.An order for an apology by Kwasi Aboagye and Peace FM to George Quaye, the wording of which shall be approved by George Quaye and the NMC and to be broadcast for three weeks on Peace FM during the Entertainment Review Program hosted by Kwasi Aboagye for that period.

3. Any other relief which the NMC deems just


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