The Abelenkpe Magistrate Court was a scene of violent verbal confrontation between relatives of caterer Evelyn Boakye and those of Abelempmke Mawarko branch Manager, Jihad Chabaan after court proceedings on Wednesday.

A visibly unhappy Evelyn Boakye could be seen punching her fist in the air as she exited the courtroom while relatives moved to restrain and calm her.

This was after lawyers for  Jihad Chabaan had told the court they will need an Arabic interpreter to assist Jihad address the court.

The twenty-six-year-old who is accused of thrusting the face of the caterer into blended pepper was expected to open his defence.

Lead counsel Julio De Medeiros told the court they had noticed information not provided by the branch manager in his statement taken by the police upon his arrest. This he claimed could be attributed to the inability of Jihad to fluently express himself in English. To avert the occurrence, an interpreter will be key, he stated.


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