Home Music News Music Producer, Kaywa ordained man of God

Music Producer, Kaywa ordained man of God


Music producer and sound engineer, David Kojo Kyei, commonly known as Kaywa, is now an ordained man of God after he was conferred with a Doctor of Divinity certificate from the United Apostolic Theology Seminary.

In some photos sighted by zionfelix.net on his Instagram timeline earlier in the day, Kaywa shares the certificate which makes him an ordained minister of God with the caption: “Totally grateful to God…psalm 127:1 #hemadeaway #thankyougodforeverything #jesuschris”. 

Until his ordination as a man of God, the ‘I no know what I go talk oo…Ka s? Kaywa’ signature tune owner has on numerous occasions revealed that God has been using him to do a lot of marvelous works for his ministry behind the scenes.

It would be recalled that during an interview on ‘This Is Gospel’ on Hitz FM with Franky5 not long ago, he made the shocking declaration that he could heal and bring the dead back to life through the power given to him by God.

We at zionfelix.net congratulates the Tema based sound engineer and wish him all the best on this new Christian journey he is set to embark on.

Check out the images of Kaywa’s ordination below:


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