Home General News No one is above the law – O.B Amoah

No one is above the law – O.B Amoah


Deputy Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, O.B. Amoah, has called on the security agencies to crack the whip and arrest any individual or groups of people who flout the law in the name of partisan politics.

His call comes following the lock up of the Tamale office of the Ghana School Feeding Programme by a group calling themselves Burma Camp Youth Wing.

The irate youth who say they belong to the governing New Patriotic Party, stormed the regional secretariat of the School Feeding Programme, and placed it under lock after driving out all the workers.

According to them, the move was to register their displeasure at the poor handling of the programme, as well as the unfair allocation of schools to caterers.

Reacting to this development, Mr Amoah condemned the action of the youth and called on law enforcement agencies to clamp down on the perpetrators.

“We cannot pretend to solve all problems at a go, and we should always anticipate that problems will come up for us to address. Of course, some of the issues too that bother on activities which are unlawful, we expect the security agencies to be able to take it up and address it. The fact that you belong to a party doesn’t mean you can take the law into your own hands. So if people are carrying out their lawful activities, that does not give you any right at all to say that because you belong to a certain party, you should take the law into your own hands. The President has said this over and over again, and we expect that people will be law abiding and if they flout the law, the security agencies should deal with them,” he stated.


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