Home General News NPP’s cover blown; NDC won the elections – Akamba

NPP’s cover blown; NDC won the elections – Akamba


A Deputy National Organizer of the National Democratic Congress(NDC), Joshua Akamba has said that the recent exposé by Assin Central MP; Kennedy Agyapong, on the New Patriotic Party’s win the 2016 polls is a confirmation that his party (NDC) won the elections fair and square but were somehow deprived the position.

According to him, the threats by Mr. Agyapong (one of their very own) to reveal the somewhat ‘dubios’ means through which the NPP secured the seat in government is a clear indication that the party indeed is guilty of having rigged the elections which from all indications was won by the NDC.

Mr. Akamba indicated days after the election results were announced that some information in the party’s (NDC) custody, pointed to the fact that the NDC, contrary to what many believed, had won the elections. In an interview on Accra based Rainbow Radio in January this year, the Deputy National organizer vehemently disputed the party’s massive defeat in the 2016 polls; a move that was opposed even by his own party members who “verbally assaulted” him.

Speaking on the issue following Ken Agyapong’s outburst, Mr. Akamba said the former’s threat only goes to confirm that the allegations he was purporting at the time were genuine.

“I feel vindicated, and I’m happy about what he (Kennedy Agyapong) has said. I remember I told you on this same station that the NPP did not win the polls fairly. After granting that interview, I was assaulted verbally by my own party members for what I said. Today, the legislator has confirmed my comments on January 4, 2017. He (Kennedy) said the NPP did not win the 2016 polls fairly. Kennedy Agypong has said it; nobody should dare him or he will expose them and do you think the NPP will like it?” 

I said this some months ago, I believe that the NPP did not win the elections fairly. I travelled across the length and breadth of this country during the campaign season and I can tell you the NPP was a dead party, and so the sudden victory was something between them and their God, but today, Kennedy Agyapong has confirmed it.”, he said.

He dared members of the ruling NPP to take on the challenge at the peril of their ‘secret’ being exposed and the party being disgraced.

“The NPP should dare him if there are men in the party…..they dare not or he will expose how unfairly they won the elections. It is coming from an inner person in the NPP. They should challenge him and see what happens”, he added.

Kennedy Agyapong is recalled, last week, threatening to expose the NPP and the ‘fraudulent’ means through which the party secured victory in the 2016.

Mr. Agyapong called the bluff of his colleagues who may want to launch attacks on him and or ‘disgrace him’ to do so at the risk of their ‘secret’ being exposed.

“I mean those NPP people who have vowed to collapse my businesses saying they will bring me down….if they joke, the things I will say in Ghana….the way we won the elections….We did not win the elections on fair grounds. I am warning them for the last time, if they say they will bring me down, I will be the first to bring them down before I am disgraced”, he threatened.


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