Home Local Sports Paa Kwesi Fabin lied about Richard Danso heart problem – Agent

Paa Kwesi Fabin lied about Richard Danso heart problem – Agent


The manager of Ghana Under 17 striker Richard Danso, Kwame Akotei has debunked assertions by coach Paa Kwesi Fabin that the talented forward has a heart-related problem.

The Black Starlets coach on Wednesday stated on Accra-based Happy FM that Danso complained of a heart issue during their training camp in Abu Dhabi that was why he was cautious in starting him though the striker had been clinical in the little minutes he gave him.

But Danso’s manager who is based in the Netherlands has pointed out that from the on set Paa Kwesi did not like the boy and never wanted to give him the chance.

“I am sad that a national team coach can say something like this to destroy a young boy’s career. I have asked my partner in Ghana, Easyman Nevis to talk to the coach,” Akotei exclusively told footballmadeinghana.com

“Have you ever seen in world football that a player that has been diagnosed with heart problem will be given playing time in a game let alone world cup? Danso scored six goals and played all the friendly games prior to the tournament,”

“You see the problem with African coaches, they never admit their mistakes. Had it been that the coach admitted that he made a mistake no body would have been talking about sabotaging or misquoting. I don’t understand why a coach will lie about someone’s health whereby the player has no health problems,”

“The matter of fact is my player has no heart problems. Richard and some other boys had difficulty in acclimatizing to the weather in India and UAE, he completed all the training sessions and never skipped any. Paa Kwesi Fabin has nothing to say than to destroy Danso’s career. We the management of Danso will not accept this from the coach and will tell him to come back and tell Ghanaians the real story,”

“If Paa Kwesi says Danso has a heart problem why didn’t he notify the management committee or the medical team for them to take him for check up? Which coach will send a player with a heart disease to a World Cup? Paa Kwesi should stop this bogus lies,”

“I am talking to some clubs here (Netherlands) on Danso, he will move here when he is 18” Akotei added.

Danso came from the bench and netted against India and Niger as Ghana exited the U17 World Cup in the semis.


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