Home General News Withdrawals hit Council of State elections

Withdrawals hit Council of State elections


The process to select the 10 regional representatives onto the Council of State appears to have been beset with withdrawals from a number of candidates.

Elections are ongoing after a postponement from Thursday, February 9 by the Electoral Commission, Ghana (EC).

The postponement was to allow for the metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies (MMDAs) to adequately prepare for the process.

But prior to the voting at the respective regional venues, some candidates have written to the Commission to withdraw from the race.

Biggest among these persons suddenly not interested in the race is Former Ningo-Prampram Member of Parliament ET Mensah, who cited personal reasons for his decision. He had stood in the Greater Accra Region race.

Two other candidates in the Region – Nene Teye Kwesi Agyemang V and Eric Asamani – also withdrew on the day of polls.

In the Brong Ahafo Region, 3news.com’s Paa Kwesi Larry Moses reports that the President of the Regional House of Chiefs.

In the Northern Region, Zubaida Ismail reports that three out of the 11 candidates withdrew prior to the polls.

“John Wuni Grumah and Soalisu Shaibu have withdrawn from the contest throwing their weight behind the Kpembi-Wura, Dari Bismarck Haruna,” our reporter said.

In the Eastern Region, 3news.com’s Yvonne Neequaye reported that 10 minutes into the statement-making process before voting, Nana Okrukata, who was 6th on the ballot paper, withdrew his candidature.

Two others later stepped down from the race, our reporter added.

In the Ashanti Region, two out of the 19 candidates withdrew their candidature a day before the polls, William Evans Nkum reported from Kumasi.

It left 17 candidates to win the votes of the 60 members of the electoral college for the single slot.


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