Home General News Youth group urges gov’t to support Ambassador Kwesi Quartey AU bid

Youth group urges gov’t to support Ambassador Kwesi Quartey AU bid


The Ghana branch of Youth Without Borders (YWB) has entreated government to support the African Union (AU) Deputy Chairperson ambition of Ambassador Kwesi Quartey.

The group in a statement copied Myjoyonline.com said it believes the Ghanaian diplomat has demonstrated beyond doubt that he has the interest of the country and continent at heart.

“We at Youth Without Borders Ghana fully support his candidature and we believe that at end of the 28th Summit of Heads of State and Government currently ongoing at the African Union (AU) Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the mantle would be handed over to him as he so desires. Similarly, we entreat all stakeholders to extend the courtesies given to Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni and Dr Mohammed Ibn Chambas to Ambassador Quartey,” the statement said.

“We believe that his recent role as Secretary to Ghana’s fourth democratic President John Dramani Mahama in the fourth republic and haven served as Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, his contributions towards the development of West Africa and the continent as a whole will enable him deliver excellently and drive Agenda 2063 – the Africa we want and sustainable development for Africa.”

Heads of State and Government in the continent are currently at the 28th Summit of AU to take key decisions on issues affecting the continent and to elect some people to administrative positions.

Ambassador Quartey who has served Ghana and Africa in varying positions is vying for Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission.

YWB believes comparing his credentials with his competitors, the Ghanaian diplomat stands out from them.

Read full statement below:

Youth Without Borders (YWB) Ghana Calls For Unflinching Support For The Candidature Of Ambassador Kwesi Quartey As Deputy Chairperson Of The African Union Commission (AUC)

The Patron, Board of Directors, Management and the entire members of Youth Without Borders Ghana call on the Government of Ghana, Leaders at all levels, the people of Ghana both home and overseas, African Heads of State and Government and the people of Ghana and Africa to support and elect Ambassador Kwesi Quartey as the Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission.

We at Youth Without Borders Ghana fully support his candidature and we believe that at end of the 28th Summit of Heads of State and Government currently ongoing at the African Union (AU) Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the mantle would be handed over to him as he so desires. Similarly, we entreat all stakeholders to extend the courtesies given to Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni and Dr Mohammed Ibn Chambas to Ambassador Quartey. The interest of Ghana and Africa must at all-time reign supreme.

Youth Without Borders Ghana believes that, the experiences of Ambassador Quartey in the course of his diplomatic career, which span a period of thirty-five years makes him the best candidate for the job. Kwesi Quartey served in various capacities in Ghana’s Embassies and High Commissions in Cotonou, Cairo, Brussels, Havana, London and the Ghana Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York.

We believe that his recent role as Secretary to Ghana’s fourth democratic President John Dramani Mahama in the fourth republic and haven served as Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, his contributions towards the development of West Africa and the continent as a whole will enable him deliver excellently and drive Agenda 2063 – the Africa we want and sustainable development for Africa.

The position of Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) requires tact diplomacy and advocacy. Ambassador Quartey’s role as Ghana’s Ambassador to Ethiopia as well as the Permanent Representative to the African Union and the United Nations’ Economic Commission for Africa [ECA] with concurrent accreditation to Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Eritrea, Djibouti and Rwanda and its relevance to the AUC cannot be overemphasized.

As a youth development and empowerment organization, we  advocate for  increase youth participation in AU activities, create and empower an AU Youth Directorate to enable them champion the African youth development agenda. We also expect to see a strong  collaboration with the Pan African Youth Union (PYU) and other continental youth groups to be able to work together towards the realization of the African vision of a united, peaceful and prosperous continent.

Youth Without Borders (YWB) Ghana once again wishes Ambassador Kwesi Quartey the very best and believes he can play a vital role ensuring an effective AUC, AU and Africa as a whole.


King David Cartey
Director, Communications & Public Affairs
+233 (0) 243741318



Source: Ghana | Myjoyonline.com |


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