Home Entertainment Yvonne Nelson reacts to breakup rumour with baby daddy

Yvonne Nelson reacts to breakup rumour with baby daddy


Yvonne Nelson and baby daddy, Jamie Roberts are in their one corner laughing at publication that they are no more, Zionfelix.net can say.

The actress cum movie producer made this known on Peace FM when speaking to Kwasi Aboagye late Thursday afternoon. Miss Nelson reacting to rumours that she is no more with the father of her daughter said she laughed when the publication first popped up on her phone.

According to her, she was never following Mr. Roberts so she cannot fathom why some media guys will report that the two have unfollowed each other on the picture sharing social media platform. Asked if her baby daddy was one of her many followers on Instagram but not anymore, the mother of one answered yes.

She went on to state that Jamie hitting her unfollow button on Instagram does not mean there is anything wrong with their relationship because their pages are for business purposes but not meant for relationship issues.

On whether the two are still together contrary to reports that they have broken up, Zionfelix.net herd the ‘Heels and Sneakers’ actress reveal that she talks to Jamie Roberts every single day which tells that they are still having a good time together as partners.


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